Detox and Mental Cleansing: Mind with Body


What is the saying about mind over matter? Well when it comes to deciding to do a detox, ones’ mind needs to be simpatico to truly reap the most beneficial results. Simply put when you do a physical detox, you will also want to add to that the process of mental cleansing.

One of the first things you want to focus on during your detox and mental cleansing process is ridding your mind of negative thoughts and problems. Take the time you have set aside for your detox as a gift to yourself mentally, and physically. See yourself where you want to be health wise, weight wise, and physically. How you choose to do this is up to you, however there are several paths you can choose from.

Meditation is something you can do without much effort in the privacy of your home. Known for lowering the heart rate, and calming the nervous system, meditation enhances mental clarity. So understandably with these effects as an outcome, mental cleansing is paramount to ones’ detox process. Meditation is generally practiced the first thing in the morning to calm and center ones’ self.

Light a candle or a stick of incense, and create the environment that you want. There are many structured beginners DVD’s available if you are not certain you understand the process of meditation. But in general, you simply want to relax, close your eyes, and rid the mind of clutter. You can meditate in whatever manner physically is most comfortable for you.

Traditionally meditation is done sitting upright on the floor with the legs crossed in front. The spine should be straight, and you should be reasonably comfortable. You can purchase a Zabuton or simply use a semi-flat comfortable cushion to avoid discomfort. Once comfortably in position, rest the hands on the thighs, with the palms face up with forefingers and thumbs touching.

Simply try to quiet the mind, and push all thoughts out. If necessary, visualize an object of beauty such as a flower or a waterfall. The goal is to focus on your breathing, and to eventually make your mind, body, and breath one with the other. Developing your breathing technique is important to releasing toxins, which is the key goal in detox and mental cleansing. Breathe in deeply and slowly through the nose and hold for about five seconds. Pause – and then exhale completely for about five seconds. And then repeat. While meditation continue to stay focused on your breathing.

Every one has his or her preference when it comes to meditation. The key is to find a method of mental cleansing during your detox that is beneficial and convenient for you. If time spend quietly in your favorite chair with your eyes closed accomplishes the same thing, then this is what works for you.

Some people respond well to aromatherapy. If aromatherapy is something you have considered, by all means experiment with the aromas that create an environment of peace and tranquility in your world. Meditation brings us to a place in our mind where we can focus, concentrate, relax, and visualize the peace or circumstances we so desire in life.

You can read more here: Exit-5

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